Staff members at Cedarbrook Camp Mid Atlantic are key players in the camp experience by acting as counselors to cabin groups or by teaching camper activities. Good staff members help campers to make friends, learn new skills, feel loved and accepted as part of the group, face fears and disappointments, and understand the Bible and apply it to their lives. Our staff members are a mix of moms, youth group leaders, CILT graduates, and other Christian men and women ages 18 and over who love the Lord and who want to serve Him at camp. During pre-camp training, Cedarbrook staff receive instruction in safety measures and emergency procedures, counseling techniques, teaching methods, evangelism, and camping skills.
The following are “essential functions” deemed necessary for all counselor and activity staff at Cedarbrook:
All staff must be able to visually identify any environmental hazards.
All staff must be able to negotiate steps, both up and down.
All staff must be able to communicate the essentials of the Christian faith to the campers in their care.
Are you interested? Fill out a staff application online or email questions to Tanager.
Responsible to: Division Director
Authority Limits: Must work within camp policies and procedures and submit all plans to the division director for approval.
Main Responsibilities:
Care for the needs of the cabin group
Cooperate with other counselors and staff members
Help broaden campers’ interests
Encourage spiritual growth
Qualities Needed:
Spiritual and emotional maturity
Genuine love and concern for others
Understanding of and agreement with camp aims and program philosophy
Willingness to serve and to perform tasks beyond those assigned
Knowledge of camper age-group characteristics
Ability to get along with and motivate others to fulfill responsibilities
Appreciation of the out-of-doors
Desire to learn
Physical stamina
Neat appearance
Responsibility Breakdown:
Conduct daily Bible study with cabin group
Be responsible for cabin devotions each night
Watch the health of campers, reporting any irregularities to the nurse
Help the group acquire cohesion and unity
Make required reports promptly and accurately
Teach or assist in activities
Spend quality time with each camper
Help plan and participate in evening activities
Check cabin and bathroom on departure day; campers/counselors will not be released until rooms are spotless
Attend staff meetings
Be with the campers, assuring their constant supervision in the cabin